Mandi's 10 Books to Read in 2014

This year in addition to doing my New Year's Resolutions and One-Year Plan, I have decided to set out a to-read list for myself for the new year! I hope to read at least the books below. However, if I do end up studying abroad in Fall 2014, this number might become lower by default! (I'm not complaining :)) 

If you're interested, check these out with me!


The Nature Principle-- Richard Louv

I read the beginning chapters of this book in my Philosophy of Self class last spring. I was completely intrigued by the idea that being out in nature could be something my heart longs for. I can't wait to learn more!

Anne of Green Gables-- L. M. Montgomery Completed February 8th 

A classic story that I have sadly never read. I think it's about time I got into it! (Perhaps I'll read Little Women next year...)


I Am Malala—Malala Yousafzai

The autobiography of the year. Promises to be a great read, and probably very inspiring!


Mere Christianity—C. S. Lewis

I have recently been very interested in getting into some C. S. Lewis theology, and after much research this is where I have decided to start. As the foremost writer on Christian doctrine (and a man who wrote one amazing fantasy series), I think Lewis will provide a great read.


Love Does—Bob Goff

This appears to be a very heart-warming and inspiring story of one man who led one very extraordinary life. I can’t wait to read about all of his stunning adventures, and learn all about his positive outlook!


The Cuckoo’s Calling—JKR

I couldn’t call myself a loyal fan if I didn’t at least give this a try! I didn’t care for ‘A Casual Vacancy’ at all, but I am excited to see what this new work is like.


Fearless Girls, Wise Women, and Beloved Sisters: Heroines in Folktales from Around the World—Kathleen Ragan

I seriously adore folk and fairy tales, especially those that allow me to explore other cultures and perspectives. I ran across this book last summer in a Chicago bookstore and am still thinking about reading it to this day! I think that’s a good sign. I can’t wait to get into this collection of tales all about women.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, and Deathly Hallows—JKR 
OOTP Completed March 11

I began re-reading the series this past summer and didn’t finish. Hopefully I get these re-read soon! 

What books are you excited to read in 2014? Let me know below! 

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