Monday, May 5, 2014

Celebrating Spring

When you live in North Texas, spring lasts two weeks. So, we celebrate it every chance we get!

This weekend, Oren and I enjoyed a beautiful Sunday lunch with my parents. Daddy grilled delicious burgers out on the grill as we listened to the beautiful tones of our windchime rustling in the warm breeze.

Mama provided all the fixin's for the burgers, including delicious lettuce that she had grown by hand in the sideyard.

I am constantly thankful to be part of a family that grows vegetables! I sincerely hope to continue the gorgeous tradition for my own children-- and myself! As Granny says, "I like to cook because I like to eat!" The same applies to homegrown veggies. There's just nothing better.

My parents have truly created an oasis in our backyard.

What used to look like a wild jungle of dark green leafy bushy mess now bursts with color and light and space. My mom's flowers sparkle from every corner of the yard.

Last summer when my parents spent two weeks in Ireland, I had the lovely task of caring for these beauties. By "lovely," I mean "tortuous." Imagine me, hose in hand, standing outside for three hours in the August heat trying desperately to keep daisies alive.

I succeeded... but just barely!

I now have quite an appreciation for the blooms that cover our outdoor living space.

Stepping out into that gorgeous space, I felt a sense of being totally and completely at home.

I felt relaxed. I breathed easily. My heart felt full to the brim with contentment.

This afternoon reminded me of so many more that I've experienced over my entire life so far. So many meals shared out on the patio, so many beautiful flowers, so many lovely friends, so much happy conversation.

Is there anything as cheerful as a patio lunch with family?

Side note: I think LB is far more photogenic than Oren chose to be on this occasion. :)

“Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.” ― Ruth Reichl